Come To Christ

A Blog by Charlene Nelson

Part 3: Exalting The True God That Natural Man Hates August 17, 2010


 He is our Creator 


The people of the world do exactly what the Bible said they would do and have “exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever (Romans 1:25)!”  Read Romans chapter one in entirety and you will find reason to tremble with fear for where our nation is headed.  The people have commonly become “futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts (are) darkened (Romans 1:21).”  One needs only to open up the science curriculum of every public school and you will witness the doctrine of a people who “claiming to be wise, (have become) fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles (Romans 1:23).”  They do “not see fit to acknowledge God (Romans 1:28)” and rather give glory to some cosmic explosion, primordial soup, and millions and millions of years of mutations.  This is not glorious.  If it didn’t make such a shipwreck of people’s souls I would be inclined to laugh, but instead I groan and shake my head in dismay.  This inglorious foolishness I do not wish to expound upon but rather the Glory of my Creator.
